By Conway Robinson
"Who will go to the least of these?" What an incredible testimony for the glory of God…that He has considered Community Bible Church worthy of having a "partnership in the Gospel", leading us to the places where "the least of these" wholeheartedly wait. It is with great anticipation and hope that God receives the glory for every accomplishment, success, and satisfaction on account of the joy and compassion that was engraved in every action during our time in Costa Rica. Our being rich on Christ’s behalf is made extremely clear as He continues to use ordinary people to share an extraordinary story of love, peace, and comfort…the "Good News" that Jesus saves. The answer is simple! We have been "made rich in every way" (2 Cor. 9:11), so that we would replicate the joy Paul commands in the book of Philippians…that we might believe, that we might suffer, and that we might give; that we might serve and that we might GO with an extraordinary joy.
Join us on January 23, 2011 at 9:15a.m. and 11:00a.m. as we share a video and some of the team members share what took place, as well as some of their most memorable experiences. Below is only a glimpse of some of the personal experiences of various individuals that went on the trip.
-Adam Flores-
"I'm learning a way of life. This young leadership team lives a life that's loving, caring, and rich in faith. I have so much back at home. But as I'm here, I realize that they have what matters."
-Elsa Bermudez-
"God’s presence is made is the look on a child’s face after being shown the immense love our heavenly Father has for them through the simple act of being hugged. It is the depth of gratitude seen in a mother’s eyes when she has been provided meals for her family when just moments before she wasn’t certain where her next meal would come from. It is working in sewage trenches and manually mixing cement while hearing the singing voices of young children working right there alongside you. That is God revealing Himself at His finest.
It is the continual plowing of the fields through all seasons...showing compassion to His people…it is work that does not and will not end here."
-Jordan Perl and Michelle Preddy-
"It is impossible to fully describe that how we have come thousands of miles to help these people; and yet be taught so many lessons about faith, about hope, and about love. It's evident by the imprints left on our hearts by these young children and we find ourselves wanting what they have…these kids selflessly work alongside us, singing and joking the entire time, showing their compassion."
-Heilena Rojas-
"I got to truly experience the most important thing in life…JOY! This has been the biggest privilege and most rewarding experience I have ever had."
-Kati Miller-
"I wish that I could show you the faces of those receiving the gift [food bag], not only were they surprised that we dared to enter their neighborhood, but their smiles glowed with gratitude and hope. The entire experience was incredibly moving and eye-opening; as the families listened their eyes were filled with hope. In an area where fear is prevalent every day and a hungry stomach is familiar, a message of comfort and unending peace overcame the reality of the area. One household that we came to really stuck out to me; the leadership team uses a worksheet to help share The Gospel and when we approached one home a man said that he was vision impaired and therefore could not use the worksheet. Though his vision proposed an obstacle, it was immediately overcome. He listened with interest as the leaders clearly shared the Truth; nothing can come between Christ’s love and His people."
Ariel McClellan and Summer Beasley-
"It's very eye-opening to see people who struggle to survive each day have such a deep faith and commitment to God."
-Eric McClellan-
"The language barrier makes absolutely no long as they get someone to hold them. The experiences here and the ability to be used as a part of God's work being done in the world is incredibly rewarding and this is why we GO."
-Lanaya Silva-
"I saw us complete bag after bag, and I was overwhelmed with God's goodness and providence. I was overwhelmed with the diligence of many of YOU, who supported these food bags with your donations. I was overwhelmed with the thoughts of all the many ways God is going to use these food bags in the lives of the people of Sector 7."
-Matthew 25:40-
"The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."
Great post. We are looking forward to the video.