During our trip, we will have the opportunity to host three days of street evangelism and Vacation Bible School (VBS), continue working on the massive multi-purpose building with two full days of work projects, and pass out 75+ food bags to various homes in Los Guido. A late night of roller skating (on a tile floor we’re told) with the youth leadership team and celebrating the New Year (dinner, bonfire, and smores) with the church body, are just two activities our team hopes to use as a tool to share the great appreciation we have for the hard work of those involved with the ministry of the New Life Church. In addition, we will also be assisting the New Life Church of Los Guido with weekly activities such as Sunday service, Kid’s Club, and discipleship groups.
Join us and GO!
With your prayers, you GO with us! With your financial support, you GO with us! And with every changed heart, you can rejoice with us!PRAYER
Please join us in prayer:
That a selfless desire and passion to serve Christ and the people of Costa Rica would be instilled in our team.
That our team would bond together as one and serve with great joy and excitement.
That God’s hand would be a wall of protection around our team, the youth leadership team, and the missionaries as we visit these areas.
That hearts would be made vulnerable to God’s Word and lives would be changed.
That there would be much fruit and growth in the lives of those we meet, as well as the lives of each member of this team.
We'll be praying for you!