Today, the generous contributions of CBC’s congregation were used as a tool to share the love of Christ and The Gospel with those living in unfathomable situations. There is a neighborhood here in Los Guido, Costa Rica called Sector Seven that is known for its extreme poverty and gang violence. Recently, the leadership team here endured the loss of a young girl in a gang-related murder which occurred eleven months ago in this area. Due to the hardship of the loss, the ministry had yet to minister to the area until today. Alongside the leadership team, the GO Costa Rica Team sought out the opportunity presented to us; because many fear the area, those residing there have not received any help or outreach for almost a year. The food bags that you, our CBC members, provided were given to every home; each bag can feed one of these impoverished families for about a week. I wish that I could show you the faces of those receiving the gift, not only were they surprised that we dared to enter their neighborhood, but their smiles glowed with gratitude and hope. When the food bags were presented to each household, they also had the opportunity to hear the truth of Christ; the leadership team presented them with God’s gift of salvation through His son Jesus.
While the Good News was shared, the CBC team members prayed over every home. The entire experience was incredibly moving and eye-opening; as the families listened their eyes were filled with hope. In an area where fear is prevalent every day and a hungry stomach is familiar, a message of comfort and unending peace overcame the reality of the area. One household that we came to really stuck out to me; the leadership team uses a worksheet to help share The Gospel and when we approached one home a man said that he was vision impaired and therefore could not use the worksheet. Though his vision proposed an obstacle, it was immediately overcome. He listened with interest as the leaders clearly shared the Truth; nothing can come between Christ’s love and His people. So THANK YOU for supporting our ministry by donating these food bags!!!

After our ministry in Sector Seven, the leadership team and the CBC team headed out to another day of VBS; I am almost positive that there was not one frowning face. Between the dancing, singing, games, balloons, bracelets and just playing with the kids it is a blast; but I think I may enjoy it more than the kids do! In just a matter of days, I have come to adore many of the kids that I have met. The kids are given love and attention, two things that we often overlook but they long for. After songs and games, the same worksheet presented alongside the food bags is given to the kids. The verse Matthew 18:3 states “I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven”; the truth of this radiates during VBS, the kids receive the message with such excitement and eagerness.

Our last activity today was a rather fun one; La Finca held a bonfire fully equipped with dinner, plentiful laughter, a huge bonfire and smores. I saw this evening as a wonderful opportunity to bond with the leadership team and the people of Los Guido. The people and families were served a hot meal, a rarity here. Though The Gospel was not directly presented there, the evening was not at all lacking in ministry; my constant prayer while we are here is that Christ’s love will be prevalent in all of our actions, and I believe His love shown brightly this evening.

Tonight the CBC team awaits the arrival of the New Year by playing games and hanging out; it has been amazing to watch a group of people that barely knew each other become a unit and team for the same purpose, to serve Christ.

Prayer Requests:
-That our team will continue to work together, that we will not be discouraged or grow weak, but rather persevere and serve with joy
-Pray for the leadership team here at La Finca. The truly are an amazing group, they are all between the ages of about 9 and 19. They have devoted their vacation to selflessly serve the Lord. Pray they will be encouraged and that they will continue to be impassioned with His love
-Pray that God will prepare to hearts of those here in Costa Rica to hear His Word