We GO because it is essential to a life following after Jesus Christ. It is our desire to turn spectators into participators, our audience into an army and consumers into contributors. We are called to be reflection of who Jesus is; to dispense what He has given us; and to be a living testimony of His power and grace.
It isn’t easy. It isn’t comfortable. It isn’t safe and it isn’t cheap. It is a decision to choose others before ourselves and to be awakened to the needs around us and to respond through action. It is a decision to follow the call of Jesus Christ to give ourselves away to his work and ministry.
In December of 2010 CBC will send it's fifth team to Costa Rica to serve alongside of the Christian Light Foundation. To date CBC has delivered backpacks full of school supplies, aided in the construction of a new church building, delivered food bags, fed hundreds of children and adults hot meals, and held days of VBS in the streets of Los Gudio, Tejarcillos, and La Carpio.
We are excited to return and even more excited to see what God has in store for us in 2010!
For more information about our upcoming trip email us at ministry.office@cbcsb.com!